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Keyword search: Mason NH

Displaying articles 101 to 120 out of 123 total.

Mason School District Moderator Catherine Schwenk retires
03-30-2023 12:56 PM


Catherine Schwenk, who has helmed the podium as moderator for the Mason School District since its inception, hung up her gavel this year, retiring after deciding not to run for re-election.Before the Mason School District existed, when Mason was part...

Leak and Choquette take school board seats in Mason
03-29-2023 11:12 AM


Incumbent Timothy Leak will return to his seat on the Mason School Board this year, joined by Nathaniel Choquette, who will be taking the seat left vacant by Bradley Gilbert, who did not run for re-election.Leak and Choquette were up for the two open...

Mason Town Meeting adds money for storm cleanup
03-21-2023 5:26 PM


Mason Town Meeting approved all 19 articles before it Saturday morning, including making changes to the budget due to last week’s snowstorm.An amendment increased the emergency management budget from $1,500 to $31,500 to account for storm cleanup....

Sugar shacks battle unpredictable conditions
03-17-2023 2:47 PM


The Monadnock region is getting a little sweeter, thanks to the adaptability of local maple producers. Weather conditions in the region during maple season have been uncertain and unstable. The cold winds and below-freezing temperatures that gripped...

Monadnock region hit by late-winter blast
03-15-2023 2:38 PM


During the nor’easter that dropped more than two feet of snow across the region Tuesday, knocked out power for thousands and postponed elections for two weeks, Monadnock Community Hospital stayed open.The power was out at the hospital, so it ran on...

Forecast snowstorm causes towns to postpone elections
03-13-2023 6:06 PM

Staff Reports

Due to the storm projected for Tuesday, towns have postponed their elections to March 28.Antrim, Bennington, New Ipswich, Greenville, Greenfield, Lyndeborough, Mason, Rindge, Jaffrey, Wilton, Sharon, Dublin, Francestown, Hancock, Peterborough and...

Town Meeting 2023: Traditional Town Meeting and SB2 offer residents two ways to decide
03-06-2023 3:28 PM


The name “SB2” comes from the bill that created it, Senate Bill 2 in 1995, and it became the official name for the ballot referendum form of government in 2000.Under SB2, Town Meeting is done over two sessions. The first is the deliberative session,...

WPI names local students to dean’s list
02-08-2023 6:39 PM

Trevor Faber of Hancock and Samson Hodges of Mason were named to Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s fall 2022 dean's list.WPI does not compute a grade-point average, but instead defines the dean's list by the amount of work completed at the A level in...

Local students make UNH dean’s list
02-08-2023 6:20 PM

-- DaniellRupp, Alexander Mills and Anna Gombas of Francestown.-- James Crawford of Greenville.-- Sabrina Smith and Casey Landry of Mason.-- Matthew Wilkins, Riley Bishop, Kylie Millea, Adrian Hall, Amber Hall, Avery McClain, Isabella Walden, Finneas...

Special education costs from Mason Elementary budget hike
02-06-2023 11:54 AM


Mason Elementary School held the deliberative session for its 2023-2024 budget on Saturday morning. Five members of the public attended, and all warrant articles were approved by those present with no changes. The school district’s total proposed...

Letter: Lions Club says thanks
01-31-2023 9:00 AM

The Souhegan Lions Club, serving Temple, New Ipswich, Mason and Greenville, would like to thank the sponsors of our 45th Peanut Butter Chip Chase on Jan. 1.A very special thanks goes to Michaud Funeral Home for once again being our event sponsor....

Storm leaves tens of thousands without power
01-23-2023 4:38 PM


A winter storm Sunday into Monday left tens of thousands of people across the state without power.As of 8:30 a.m. Monday, more than 30,000 customers were without power, according to the New Hampshire Department of Safety’s Division of Homeland...

FOOD: Greenhouses help local farms get ready for spring
01-16-2023 1:55 PM


Farms in the Monadnock region are prepping for their spring community-supported agriculture (CSA) efforts this offseason.Sun Moon Farm in Rindge has been growing winter greens for seven consecutive years, thanks to their two greenhouses. These 30-foot...

Local students named to Bob Jones University dean’s list
01-04-2023 1:02 PM

COLLEGELocal students named to Bob Jones dean’s listThe following students were named to the Bob Jones University dean’s list for the fall semester:-- Meghan Boutwell, a senior ministry and leadership major from Rindge.-- Andrew Fletcher, a junior...

Mason Fire Department recognizes standouts
01-03-2023 5:37 PM


During the Mason Fire Department’s annual department breakfast in December, Chief Anthony Burns revived a department tradition of recognizing members of the department who were exemplary during the year, recognizing a firefighter, EMS provider, rookie...

Souhegan Lions Club hosts Peanut Butter Chip Chase
01-02-2023 3:42 PM

Benjamin Pyhala, John Crawford and Gavin Ketola were the top three overall finishers in the Peanut Butter Chip Chase 5K run/walk New Year’s Day.Pyhala crossed the line in 17 minutes, 44 seconds, followed by Crawford in 18:10 and Ketola in 18:37....

Black bears mostly in their dens for the winter
11-29-2022 12:32 PM


Andrew Timmins, bear biologist at New Hampshire Fish and Game, said there are currently around 6,800 black bears living in the state.Bears exist in every part of New Hampshire except for the immediate Seacoast. The Lakes Region and White Mountains...

Towns set trick-or-treat times for Halloween
10-25-2022 7:19 PM

The following is a list of trick-or-treat times for Halloween.Antrim – 5 to 8 p.m., Oct. 31.Bennington – 5 to 7 p.m., Oct. 31. Stop by Town Hall, the fire station or the library for a special treat.Dublin – 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Oct. 31.Francestown – 6...

Local July 4 events
06-29-2022 3:57 PM

The following events will be taking place to commemorate Independence Day.Antrim – Festivities will be at the bandstand July 4, starting with coffee, tea and baked goods at 8:30 a.m. Yankee Doodle and the Dandies will perform at 9 a.m. The raising of...

Margaret Nelson receives Impact Award
04-28-2022 12:34 PM

Margaret Nelson, executive director of The River Center in Peterborough, received the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits’ New Hampshire Impact Award during the organization’s Nonprofit Impact Celebration.The award honors nonprofit employees for...

Displaying articles 101 to 120 out of 123 total.

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