Monadnock Community Hospital names three new board members
Published: 04-07-2024 8:46 AM |
Monadnock Community Hospital (MCH) announces three new additions to its board of trustees: Steve Kim of Peterborough, Ed Madigan of Jaffrey and Dr. Greg Neilley of Francestown.
Kim is a certified financial planner and principal with Brady Associates Asset Management in Peterborough. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Drexel University and an MBA from the University of Iowa. He is a member of the MCH Investment Committee and is an active volunteer with The Colonial Theatre in Keene, The River Center and Grand Monadnock Rotary Club. He and his wife, Jinsook, live in Peterborough.
Madigan is a program manager at MilliporeSigma, where he leads capital improvement projects. He attended the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering and completed coursework in wastewater sciences. More recently, he completed his MBA in energy and sustainability at Franklin Pierce University, which fueled a fire to pursue energy conservation. He serves on the board of the Gilmore Pond Association and lives in Jaffrey with his wife Debbie.
Neilley retired from Monadnock Community Hospital in 2022 after serving as an internal medicine physician for 33 years. He received a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, his MD degree from New Jersey Medical School and completed his internal medicine residency at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Neilley was board-certified in both internal medicine and geriatrics and has an interest in medical records software and clinical quality metrics. He is a long-term director of the Francestown Land Trust and serves on the Francestown Planning Board. He lives in Francestown with his wife Ellen.