Local July 4 events

Published: 06-29-2022 3:57 PM

The following events will be taking place to commemorate Independence Day.

Antrim – Festivities will be at the bandstand July 4, starting with coffee, tea and baked goods at 8:30 a.m. Yankee Doodle and the Dandies will perform at 9 a.m. The raising of the colors, Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem with the Troop 2 Boy Scouts will be at 9:30 a.m., followed by a reading of the Declaration of Independence at 9:40 a.m.

Dublin –Fireworks over Dublin Lake will take place July 1, with a rain date of July 8. Fireworks begin at dusk.

Greenville – Festivities start at noon July 3 and continue through the Pots and Pans Parade at midnight.

Hancock – Fireworks in Hancock will take place on July 2 at Moosebrook Park. There will be food and music sponsored by the Depot Association, and festivities start at 5:30 p.m.

Jaffrey – On Monday, July 4, at noon, volunteers will read The Declaration of Independence from the stage of Jaffrey’s historic 1775 Meetinghouse in Jaffrey Center. Local officials, community leaders and Jaffrey citizens, young and old, will participate. Following the reading, there will be an ice cream social in the horse sheds behind the Meetinghouse. The Little Red Schoolhouse will be open, and the restored Seagrave fire engine and a modern Jaffrey fire engine will be on the Common for all to admire. The town is recommending that masks be worn by non-vaccinated persons and any other concerned persons. Families and households should sit together. For information, visit townofjaffrey.com.

Peterborough – The Monadnock Center for History and Culture invites the community to its 96th annual Independence Day ceremony on Monday, July 4, at 10 a.m. This tradition, going back to 1926, includes a flag-raising and reading of the Declaration of Independence. Monadnock Center Director Michelle Stahl will present a short talk about the Black Revolutionary War Patriots from the Monadnock Region. The ceremony is held outdoors on the front lawn of the Monadnock Center, 19 Grove St., Peterborough. It is free and all are welcome.

Rindge –At 5 p.m. July 1, the Rindge Recreation Department and the Rindge Chamber of Commerce are bringing back the Family Fun Festival to Rindge Town Common. There will be burgers, hot dogs and refreshments on the common, along with lawn games and prizes for children. The fireworks show will start shortly after sunset, around 9:15 p.m.

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Temple – In Temple at 10 a.m. at the ball field on July 4, there will be a bike parade and games, along with a Fire Department chicken carbecue. At 6 p.m. on the common, there will be a Temple Band concert.
