Jaffrey ‘Stories to Share’ speakers announced

Published: 10-02-2024 8:01 AM

The Jaffrey Civic Center’s speaker series, “Stories to Share,” will resume Friday, Oct. 4, at 5 p. m.

The series has expanded this year from eight to nine programs on the first Friday of each month at the center, 40 Main St., Jaffrey. The Oct. 4 speaker will be freelance photographer and world traveler. Eleanor Briggs of Hancock. She will talk about her career traveling the globe and will include photographs taken in Cambodia and other Asian countries.

On Nov. 1, Mel Allen will share his most memorable stories as editor of Yankee magazine. On Dec. 6, Ophelia Dahl, co-founder of Partners in Health, will engage in a conversation with series moderator Joe Steinfield. PIH, whose board Dahl chairs, offers health care services through more than 60 hospital centers all over the world. She also chairs the company that manages the literary estate of her father, Roald Dahl.

The next third of the season begins on Jan. 3, 2025, with Peterborough veterinarian Charles (Chuck) Devinne, whose Animal Care Clinic has been treating Monadnock region animals since 1989. Next, on Feb. 7, Paul Tuller will share his stories about woodworking with Japanese tools and building a Japanese house in New Hampshire.

On March 7, Michele Steckler, co-producer of the Broadway hit “The Lion King,” will provide an insider’s view of the creative process. David Blair, co-founder of the Mariposa Museum, will be the April 5 speaker. His “Stories from Around the World” will reflect on the museum’s mission to foster global awareness and understanding.

On May 2, David Godine, who founded Godine Publishing in 1970, will look back on notable New England authors and books his company published over its first 50 years.

The final speaker will be two-time Emmy Award winner Dayton Duncan, who describes himself a “50-year Monadnock transplant.” Duncan’s career includes collaboration with Ken Burns on numerous documentaries, involvement in government at both the state and national levels and 14 books.

“We are honored to present these outstanding speakers, all of whom are either full or part-time residents of our region, who will share their unique life experiences,” stated civic center president David Belletete. “We appreciate the loyalty of those who have regularly attended our programs and look forward to seeing them, and many new faces, at this year’s presentations.”

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As in past seasons, the programs will be followed by a reception. Attendance is free, but advance registration is strongly recommended, since Stories to Share will not be live-streamed, and seating is limited. To register or for information, go to jaffreyciviccenter.com/stories or call JCC Executive Director Laura Adams at 603-532-6527.

The Jaffrey Civic Center is at 40 Main St. in Jaffrey.