Letter: Division is not disappearing

Published: 11-19-2024 3:22 PM

A few Saturdays ago, I asked a Black woman why she as a woman and a Black woman would support Donald Trump. She told me she would not vote for someone not qualified and her whole family was voting for Trump.

I nicely asked the question, as I wanted to get into a dialogue with her. An older white man with Trump flags on his truck got between us and that ended hope for dialogue.

On Nov. 9, that man was sitting with his Trump flags on his truck behind us while we had our Black Lives Matter vigil, which we have had for 4 1/2 years. The vigil ended, and as I was walking to my vehicle, he said to me. "You assaulted that Black woman two weeks ago." I said "I did not." He said "I heard you." 

What we have lived with during the approaching November election said a lot about our fellow citizens. Now, we have to live with their lies and negativity for four years? Division which Trump set up is not disappearing from our lives. 

Kath Allen
