Arts & Life

Displaying articles 701 to 702 out of 702 total.

Local artist with ties to Prince mourns his death

04-25-2016 7:01 PM


Local artist with ties to Prince mourns his death- The Artist Formerly Known As Prince. The Purple Yoda From Minnesota. Jamie Starr. The world knew musician Prince Rogers Nelson by many names, most notably, of course, Prince. But for a few magical months in a cold Minnesota winter nearly 30 years ago,...

Glacial erratics: A rock like no other

04-18-2016 6:01 PM

Glacial erratics: A rock like no other- Like souvenirs from a long-past trip, some boulders in our woods are reminders of an incredible journey that happened over 12,000 years ago.It was no journey any human would enjoy.Under ice that became more than one mile thick, boulders were plucked...

Displaying articles 701 to 702 out of 702 total.
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